Can I die from sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can be divided into two categories: obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea can experience daytime sleepiness, and if left untreated, can lead to sudden death. To avoid this, treating sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is essential. 

Depending on the severity, sleep specialists may recommend mild, moderate, or severe sleep apnea treatment. A sleep study is often required to determine the best approach for treating sleep apnea. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it is important to consult with a sleep specialist to understand the signs, symptoms, and consequences of untreated sleep apnea.

Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous?

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes breathing to temporarily stop or become restricted during sleep. People with this condition can experience severe health problems, such as diabetes, stroke, heart failure, cognitive impairment, and even death. Obstructive and central sleep apnea are the two main types. 

Sleep Apnea Solutions & Treatment can include CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) and other therapies prescribed by a sleep specialist. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a severe form, while moderate and mild forms exist. A sleep study may be required to diagnose the disorder and determine the best treatment. 

What Are the Risks of Untreated Sleep Apnea? 

Sleep apnea is a disorder that is usually caused by obstruction or the inability to initiate breathing. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type and can lead to serious health issues if not treated. Central sleep apnea is less common and is when the body can’t initiate breathing. 

Treating sleep apnea with CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) can help people with mild, moderate, or severe obstructive sleep apnea. A sleep specialist may recommend a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea and determine the best treatment. People with sleep apnea may experience daytime sleepiness.

  • High blood pressure: Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that can cause loud snoring, pauses in breathing, and low oxygen levels. It is a risk factor for high blood pressure and can be treated with Positive Airway Pressure. Untreated Sleep Apnea can lead to developing more severe forms such as Treatment Emergent Central Sleep Apnea and Undiagnosed Sleep Apnea. People can fall asleep more easily when Sleep Apnea is diagnosed and treated.
  • Diabetes and insulin resistance: People with mild obstructive sleep apnea may fall asleep easily, but are at risk for developing sleep-disordered breathing. Untreated sleep apnea may lead to loud snoring and can cause the patient to stop breathing at night. This can lead to an increased risk of developing diabetes due to insulin resistance. Positive airway pressure and other treatments can help diagnose and treat sleep apnea, helping to lower blood pressure and reduce risk factors.
  • Pulmonary hypertension: Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which a person can stop breathing while asleep. Loud snoring and falling asleep during the day are risk factors for sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type and is caused by air pressure in the throat collapsing during sleep. If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems. 

Treatment for sleep apnea includes positive airway pressure and emergent central sleep apnea. Diagnosing and treating sleep apnea may help to reduce the risk of developing pulmonary hypertension, a condition in which the blood vessels in the lungs have changed due to breathing disruptions.

  • Stroke: Healthy sleep is important for maintaining good oxygen levels in the blood. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common condition that can cause high blood pressure and other health issues. Treatment with oral appliances, sleeping pills, and clinical sleep medicine can help prevent OSA. 

How is sleep affected by losing weight, falling asleep, and upper airway resistance? Daytime fatigue, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and other chronic lung diseases can be caused or worsened by OSA. Treating OSA with bilevel-positive airway pressure and central sleep apnea can help prevent stroke.

  • Abnormal heart rhythms: Sleep apnea happens when a person’s upper airway is blocked, preventing them from getting enough oxygen during sleep. This can lead to abnormal heart rhythms, also known as arrhythmias, which may be a cause of sudden death in those with sleep apnea. Clinical sleep medicine and healthy sleep practices, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and losing weight, can help prevent sleep apnea. Other treatments such as oral appliances, bilevel-positive airway pressure, and sleeping pills can also help. Oxygen levels, high blood pressure, and daytime fatigue are common in those with sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea (CSA) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are two different types of sleep apnea. How is sleep can be improved by treating sleep apnea and preventing it from happening. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a condition where the upper airway is blocked, reducing blood oxygen levels and leading to daytime fatigue and other problems. Treatment options include oral appliances, sleeping pills, losing weight, and Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Clinical Sleep Medicine is important to assess how is sleep and prevent OSA, as it can increase blood pressure, impair memory and worsen mood, and increase the risk of accidents. Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease can also occur due to untreated OSA. Healthy sleep is essential for the body to function properly.

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Death Suddenly During Sleep?

People with sleep apnea have an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Treatments like oral appliances, airway pressure devices, and weight loss can reduce this risk. Sleep apnoea is caused by a narrowed airway and weak upper airway muscles. This can lead to restless sleep, loud snoring, and trouble concentrating. 

Other sleep disorders, like emergent central sleep apnea, can lead to breathing and oxygen levels dropping during sleep. Soft palate and throat muscles also play a role in causing metabolic syndrome and atrial fibrillation. Treating these conditions with devices and lifestyle changes can help people achieve normal sleep and reduce their risk of complications.

Signs of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnoea is a disorder where breathing and oxygen levels during sleep are disrupted. It can be identified by snoring loudly and gasping for air. Other signs include trouble concentrating, restless sleep, and increased risk of metabolic syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and other sleep disorders. Narrowed airway and upper airway muscles, along with a soft palate, can cause sleep apnoea. Weight loss and airway pressure devices, such as oral appliances and other airway pressure devices, can help to restore normal sleep. This can reduce the risk of emergent central sleep apnea.

Additional signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include:

  • Waking up gasping for air or choking
  • Making unusual sounds while sleeping
  • Having frequent daytime fatigue
  • Waking up unrefreshed
  • Falling asleep during daytime tasks
  • Experiencing morning headaches
  • Tossing and turning during sleep
  • Having mood swings
  • Difficulty concentration during the day
  • Urinating frequently during the night

People with central sleep apnea may have similar signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. These may include snoring loudly, restless sleep, trouble concentrating, daytime sleepiness, and weight loss. Other symptoms are lower oxygen levels and decreased breathing. 

Treatment may involve the use of an oral appliance, other airway pressure devices, weight loss, and exercise for the upper airway muscles. Emergent central sleep apnea can cause atrial fibrillation and metabolic syndrome, which can increase the risk for other sleep disorders.

When to See a Doctor

People with sleep apnea may experience symptoms such as daytime sleepiness or not feeling rested in the morning. Sleep specialists can diagnose sleep apnea with a sleep study. This test monitors brain signals and records changes in heart rate and breathing. Sleep apnea can be mild, moderate, or severe. Treatments can include continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and other therapies. Prompt treatment can help prevent complications.

Getting LASIK Surgery

What Should be the Motivating Factors to Getting LASIK Surgery?

The development of LASIK laser eye treatment in the 1990s has improved the quality of life for millions of people throughout the world. One of the most sought-after corrective laser procedures due to its short procedure time and rapid visual recovery. 

It’s natural for people to ask if LASIK eye surgery is a good option for them, given the procedure’s widespread publicity and high success rate. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at eye surgery with LASIK to see if it’s the perfect option for you, how it operates, and how it can enhance your life through improved vision.

What is Eye Surgery LASIK?

Eye Surgery LASIK

Laser-Assisted in-situ keratomileusis is more commonly known as LASIK. This surgical treatment reshapes the cornea to improve eyesight and eliminate the need for corrective lenses. It is effective, precise, and carries a negligible risk of problems that are easily remedied and rarely result in permanent vision loss.

Multiple types of refractive defects are amenable to LASIK eye surgery. For instance;

  • Up to +4.00 D of hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • Up to -12.00 D Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • And a 5.00 D of astigmatism with them.

Millions of individuals around the world who have trouble seeing can now look forwards to a brighter future because of this. If you’re considering surgery with LASIK, your doctor will assess if you’re a good candidate during your first consultation. 

Fortunately, if you decide eye surgery using LASIK isn’t for you, there are many more laser eye treatment options available thanks to recent advancements in the field. learn more about laser eye surgery cost by clicking here.

When LASIK is Performed, How Does it Work?

LASIK is Performed

Your LASIK eye doctor will use a Femtosecond Laser to cut a tiny flap in the cornea. In order to correct the specified visual issue, the freshly generated flap is lifted, and a second laser is utilised to remodel the corneal tissue lying beneath. Next, the corneal flap is repositioned.

The ultimate effect is a cornea that better focuses light on the retina, resulting in sharper vision. Even though most patients have a sudden and significant improvement in their eyesight, it continues to enhance over the next few weeks.

Is LASIK a Good Idea for You?

Here are some pointers to consider as you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of LASIK eye surgery in light of our newfound knowledge.

LASIK eye surgery is something to think about if you:

Need to Achieve Complete Visual Independence in One Day

Fast recuperation time is a major selling point for LASIK eye surgery. Although there are a number of approaches to addressing vision problems, very few of them offer quick fixes that last. Some people are interested in the possibility of having their vision improved but are not yet prepared to undergo the laser eye treatment. 

However, most eye doctors will be ready to schedule your LASIK surgery right away. In addition, you might be able to ditch your corrective lenses altogether after surgery.

Have negative experiences with contacts or glasses

You should really consider eye surgery with LASIK if you have a strong dislike for either your glasses or your contacts. Glasses and contacts are something that some individuals may love using, while many others learn to despise for various reasons. 

Glasses can pinch, shatter easily, and get in the way when you’re trying to be active or do particular things, which are all reasons why many people choose not to wear them. However, contact lenses can have negative side effects, including dry eyes and other irritations. 

In addition, they all have the potential to induce nausea, vomiting, or dizziness. But with LASIK eye surgery, most people never need to wear corrective lenses again.

Health Related Problems

Similarly, if you’re worried about your health, LASIK eye surgery could be a good investment. For those who suffer from vertigo, migraines, and other conditions that might be exacerbated by wearing glasses, this is a real concern. 

Furthermore, wearing contacts can be very unpleasant if you have allergies or any other eye-related concerns. This is due to the fact that exposure to them might result in symptoms such as dryness, redness, irritation, itching, ocular infections, and oxygen deprivation. Putting contacts in eyes that are already having problems can exacerbate the condition.

Booster of Confidence

Booster of Confidence

Some people feel more confident when they wear glasses, but for others it’s the opposite. If you fall into the second category, LASIK eye surgery is a rapid and effective solution. Instead of being shackled by glasses that make you feel less than your best, LASIK surgery could be your ticket to freedom and a positive self-image.


Some sports and other physical pursuits are inaccessible to people who must wear glasses. This is due to the fact that glasses are prone to breaking in the midst of any sort of vigourous exercise. Payment for specialist (and typically quite costly) athletic eyewear is one solution. 

Instead, you can try hiding them inside a (often very unattractive) protective cover, which won’t necessarily keep your glasses from slipping off or breaking even if you’re careful. But if you have eye surgery with LASIK, you won’t have to worry about breaking your glasses or hurting your eyes while playing sports because the surgical procedure eliminates the need for corrective lenses.

Work Responsibility

If you work in an environment where glasses or contacts aren’t allowed, that’s another plus for surgery with LASIK. Many law enforcement-related institutions and programmes exclude people with visual impairments, including police forces, fire departments, and the armed services. In order to avoid missing out on your ideal career because of vision problems, LASIK eye surgery is a fast and simple option to consider.

Constant Movement

Finally, your glasses or contacts might be starting to bother you if you’re a frequent flyer. The more you travel, the more likely it is that you may lose, misplace, or damage your glasses or contacts. There are a lot of places in an airport or railway station, hotel room, or restroom where you could accidentally set down your glasses case or remove your contacts and lose them forever. If you spend the money on eye surgery involving LASIK, you won’t have to worry about your eyesight again.

Contact Personal Eyes Today to Schedule Your FREE LASIK Consultation

It’s safe to say that you’re not alone if LASIK surgery is something you’re considering. As many as a million people have already had this laser eye treatment done, and another million are just waiting for the proper time to schedule it. 

LASIK surgery can be the ticket to visual independence for anyone with blurred vision who values mobility, athleticism, health, tired of glasses or wear contact lenses, or the pursuit of a new job but is limited by their eyesight. However, because each person’s situation and outcomes are unique, you should carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the procedure before deciding to go through with it.

Personal Eyes’ mission is to provide information to everyone interested in learning how to better their eyesight. And if you are seriously considering laser vision correction, you need first ensure that you are a suitable candidate.

If you are having any question or inquiry about how to have a correct vision. Laser eye surgery procedure, Corneal tissue problems, Lasik surgery, laser beam in healing process, excimer laser usage, refractive eye surgery, laser treatment, laser suite, contact sports, the surgical procedure for refractive surgery or Lasik laser eye surgery – you should get in touch with us via our Personal Eye website to book your free assessment today.

surgery lasik

Considering Eye Surgery? LASIK May Be the Right Option for You

Lasik surgery is by far the most popular laser eye surgery procedure available today. This vision correction procedure is great for a wide array of vision problems and could be just what you need to start seeing better.

But before you go in for LASIK or any laser eye surgery, for that matter, it’s important to know the facts.

In this article, we’re diving into everything you need to know about laser eye surgery lasik. We touch on what happens during the procedure, what it’s for, and even the potential risks of laser eye surgery that you must discuss with your doctor.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is Lasik Eye Surgery?

LASIK is a type of laser eye surgery that involves reshaping the cornea. When you have vision issues, you’ll typically have a misshapen cornea that doesn’t focus light to the retina properly. This is why you may have blurred vision when looking at objects that are far or close to you.

Typically, people wear glasses and contact lenses to correct this issue. When you wear contact lenses and glasses, you refocus the light so that it hits the retina just right, giving you clear vision. And while glasses or contact lenses are great options for many people, they are not permanent.

Laser vision correction is a common procedure that can correct vision issues long-term. Before laser eye surgery, your doctor will likely measure your corneal tissue to determine the reason you aren’t seeing properly.

From there, the doctor uses a sophisticated femtosecond laser to reshape your cornea, allowing light to focus on your retina. Your surgeon will tell you to place numbing eye drops on your eyes before the surgery lasik procedure so the entire ordeal is quick and painless.

surgery lasik

Laser eye surgery and LASIK are fairly simple procedures that usually take no more than 30 minutes. On top of that, the benefits of refractive surgery last a lifetime for most patients. So, if you’re tired of wearing corrective lenses for your blurry vision, discuss the laser eye surgery options with your doctor today.

What Is Lasik Eye Surgery For?

Laser eye surgery is one of the most common vision correction procedures that doctors perform for a variety of issues. Here are some of the conditions where laser eye surgery is the ideal treatment option.


Refractive surgery can greatly benefit individuals with myopia or nearsightedness. When you have a near-sighted eye, your distance vision is affected. This means that you’ll have a much harder time seeing distant objects that are far away from you. However, most people with myopia can still see closeby objects clearly.

Typically, patients manage their myopia with contact lenses or glasses. However, laser surgery offers a long-term solution for myopia.

Those with myopia have eyeballs that are too long and a sharp curve on their cornea. During laser surgery, your doctor will reshape the cornea so that light hits the retina perfectly, making it easier to see objects from a distance.


Hyperopia is the opposite of myopia. Patients with this condition can see long-distance objects clearly, but can’t see things that are close up. This is also called long-sightedness and is far less common than myopia nowadays.

This occurs when your eyeball is smaller than usual, or you have a flat cornea. Doctors can use laser eye treatment to correct this refractive error using an excimer laser to reshape your cornea. This improves your eye’s focusing power and can give you clear vision for many years to come.


Astigmatism is characterised by overall blurred vision. This is the result of an uneven cornea and makes everything blurry. Since this is a cornea issue, vision correction surgery is a great option for many patients.

What to Expect When Getting Lasik Surgery

While laser eye surgery is a common and fairly simple treatment, it’s important to know what occurs when you go in for this surgical procedure. That way, you have realistic expectations, and the entire process will be much easier.

surgery lasik

Before Surgery

Before your laser treatment, your laser eye surgeon will take precise measurements of your cornea and assess your overall health. For the best results, it’s important to go through a comprehensive exam to ensure that you’re a good candidate for the procedure.

If you wear contact lenses for your condition, your doctor will ask you to remove them for at least a week before the surgery. This is because lenses can reshape your cornea, and it might influence the doctor’s measurements, causing complications down the line.

The most important step before getting refractive eye surgery is a consultation. Your doctor will probably ask you about your health history and current medications and look for possible eye infections. That way, they can determine whether or not LASIK surgery is the best treatment option for you.

During the Procedure

A LASIK eye surgery only lasts around 30 minutes. It’s best to wear comfortable clothes during the procedure, so you’re completely at ease while the doctor reshapes your cornea. Right before the eye surgery, your doctor will ask you to place eye drops that will numb your eye, so you don’t feel anything.

From there, they use a laser beam to shape your cornea according to their previous measurements. This is one of the fastest and most effective vision correction options available, and it only lasts a few minutes.

After the doctor reshapes the cornea, they put the corneal flap back in place. For those with two affected eyes, the surgeon typically performs surgery on both eyes on the same day.

After the Procedure

Right after the procedure, you will have blurry vision, and your eyes will likely feel burned and itchy. This is why we recommend having a friend or partner pick you up and bring you home after the procedure.

It will take two or three months before your eye fully heals from the procedure. However, your doctor will ask you to visit for a follow-up appointment a few days after the surgery to check on your eyes. After that, you’ll need to visit your doctor after a few weeks to assess how your eyes heal.

Conclusion: Is LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Ideal for You?

If you have poor eye health, you might want to consider getting laser eye surgery. The procedure is fast, simple, and provides you with long-lasting results. It’s great for various conditions, so speak to your doctor today to determine if it’s the right pick for you!

eye surgery lasik

Eye Surgery LASIK – Is This the Right Treatment for You?

Many Australians suffer from vision problems. And while most of them are content to wear glasses or contact lenses their entire lives, you might be interested in longer-lasting vision correction procedures.

This is where laser eye surgery, LASIK, and SMILE treatments come in handy. The laser eye surgery procedure is simple, takes under an hour, and provides patients with a clear vision for many years.

But should you be asking your doctor about laser eye surgery?

While laser eye and lasik surgery are great treatments for various conditions, they aren’t for everyone. Many people aren’t ideal candidates for laser eye surgery. And today, we’ll explain all the details of the procedure so you can decide if it’s the right choice for you.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is LASIK Laser Eye Surgery?

We’ll start by explaining what laser eye surgery is. Basically, this procedure involves using an advanced laser beam to reshape the cornea and correct different vision problems. This is a very common procedure that many patients undergo for vision correction.

Doctors typically use either an excimer laser or a femtosecond laser during the surgical procedure, allowing them to operate on your eye with great precision and accuracy. On top of that, since the doctor applies numbing eye drops before LASIK surgery, most patients don’t feel any pain.

Laser eye treatment’s ultimate goal is to allow patients to see much better. After laser treatment, you won’t have to wear contact lenses and glasses while expecting the results to last many years.

eye surgery lasik

Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK, and SMILE – What’s the Difference?

When talking to your laser eye surgeon about your options, it’s important to understand that there are various types of laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery is sometimes called LASIK or SMILE. However, understand that SMILE and LASIK are completely different procedures for different conditions.

While LASIK and SMILE Are both types of laser eye surgery, they are very different from each other. But don’t worry – we’ll discuss the key differences between these treatments in the next section.

Types of Laser Eye Surgery

There are many types of laser vision correction. But in this section, we’re only looking at the most common procedures surgeons perform on a regular basis. So, keep reading to learn about the different types of laser eye surgery and their benefits.


LASIK surgery is the most common laser eye treatment options available. This is a simple procedure that involves making a small incision or corneal flap on the eye. After that, the doctor uses a laser to reshape different areas of the cornea.

Many vision issues are caused by an uneven or misshapen cornea. A skilled eye surgeon can use this laser procedure to correct the corneal tissue and allow light to focus on the retina. LASIK is great for blurry vision, nearsightedness, and farsightedness, which is why it’s one of the most common laser eye procedures available.


SMILE is an acronym for small incision lenticule extraction. This procedure relies on a femtosecond laser to create a lenticule in the cornea. From there, doctors use light rays to tweak the lenticule and focus light on the retina. The recovery from SMILE procedures is generally longer than LASIK, which is why it’s not as popular among patients.


Some patients have corneas that are too thin for laser vision correction. A great alternative is ICL eye surgery. This procedure involves implanting a new lens into the eye. This lens is specifically tailored to the patient’s needs and allows them to see much more clearly.

When to Get Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery and LASIK, in particular, are designed for specific conditions. Before going in for LASIK eye surgery, it’s important that you have the right condition for the treatment. Here are some situations where LASIK eye surgery may be the best option.

If You Have Myopia

Myopia is a very common condition that results in blurry vision for far-away objects. The condition is also called nearsightedness, and it affects many people nowadays. This is a result of misshapen corneas and large eyeballs that have difficulty focusing light on the retina.

Contact lenses are glasses that refocus the light to the retina. However, if you’re looking for a permanent solution to your blurred vision, a LASIK procedure could be ideal for your needs.

eye surgery lasik

If You Have Hyperopia

Hyperopia or farsightedness is the opposite of myopia. People with this condition have difficulty focusing on close objects but can easily see far objects. Just like with myopia, doctors can use the LASIK procedure to reshape the cornea and correct your vision.

LASIK refractive surgery is a great alternative to corrective lenses and can last patients many years. So, you may want to ask your doctor if laser eye surgery is the right option for your hyperopia.

If You Have Astigmatism

Those with astigmatism have trouble seeing short and long-distance objects. The condition is characterised by blurry vision and can be a huge interruption of a person’s daily life. While LASIK surgery isn’t ideal for all cases of astigmatism, many patients can benefit from the surgery.

Laser procedures have come a long way since their inception. And nowadays, these procedures are used for many common vision issues, allowing people to see without their contact lenses and glasses. That said, it’s important to know if you have the right condition for laser eye surgery before speaking to your doctor.

Who Can Get LASIK Laser Eye Surgery?

Anyone with the above conditions may qualify for LASIK refractive surgery. However, patients must be in good overall health before the procedure. Additionally, it’s best to avoid wearing your contacts before the surgery. And to reduce the risk of complications, check your eyes for infections or issues before the procedure.

Ultimately, only your doctor can decide if you’re a viable candidate for LASIK. So, set an appointment with them today if you’re interested in laser-assisted surgery for your eyes.

Conclusion: Is Eye Surgery, LASIK, Suitable for You?

Many people can benefit from laser eye surgery. This is a fairly common procedure that has helped many people worldwide. So, if you’re looking for a long-term solution to your eye problems, speak to your doctor about eye surgery today.